Episode 23

December 06, 2024


Episode 23 - Special Preview of a Critical Investigation

Hosted by

Missy Martinez-Stone
Episode 23 - Special Preview of a Critical Investigation
Episode 23 - Special Preview of a Critical Investigation

Dec 06 2024 | 00:08:37


Show Notes

In this episode of Centered, CCS President and CEO, Missy Martinez-Stone teases an upcoming episode about a case that CCS is currently investigating and reminds Inner Circle members that they will recieve exclusive information about this case.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] This is Missy Martinez Stone and you're listening to the Centered Podcast where we have unifying conversations on the divisive subject of abortion. [00:00:27] Hi, this is Missy Martinez Stone and you're listening to the Centered Podcast. Today we're going to do something a little different. I'm actually going to tease an episode that's coming out next week. I got to sit down with our vice president of investigations. And this is the first time that we are actually going to talk about an ongoing case. We've never done that on this platform or really anywhere publicly like this, but. And I explain in the podcast why this is kind of a different scenario where we feel like we can, and we're still doing it very carefully. Like there's still information that we are withholding, but we're actually going to walk through our process and how we came across the information and then what we did with it and you know, where we're going with it. And it's really cool because you get to see Christine's not only acumen, but really like how much she puts into each case. And this case in particular we're choosing to talk about because it doesn't actively involve a woman who had an abortion experience. And so we don't have to navigate that piece of ensuring we're not disrupting or making a woman's journey to acceptance and healing more difficult. We're not dealing with hipaa, all those things. So it has some unique aspects to it that allow us to talk more openly about it. [00:01:54] With that said, we will probably provide a trigger warning because it is one of our most disturbing cases and it's the case that I get the most, like, head turned. Like what? Like shocked expressions from everybody. I'm not just pro life people. I mean, I've been talking to over Thanksgiving, I was talking to family members who are not pro life and I told them just the, you know, 10,000 foot view details of this case and they were like, my gosh. And I was like, yeah, it's, it's absolutely insane. And so Christine and I are going to talk about that next week we'll release that we have to do some more work on it. Like I said, it is us publicly talking about it, but there are some edits and things that, you know, we want to make and make sure we're, we're still handling these cases with care, but it is incredibly disturbing. So keep an eye out for that now. With that said, we're going to go into our inner circle corner for a second. So if you're A regular listener. Great. But if you're in the inner circle, this applies to you. We are actually sending out a letter describing the case in more detail that we can't share, like digitally or like online. And so if you're on our mailing list, which is relatively small, if you're in our inner circle, you're actually going to get more specifics about it and who we're dealing with and more details on the case. So that's going to go out probably end of this week, early next week. So keep an eye out for that. If you are one of our supporters or are in our, in our circle, you'll be actually be able to know more. No more details of that. And with that said, let me tell you about this letter, you guys. [00:03:46] I was just. It's like we deal with such dark stuff all the time that's like, sometimes you just have to find levity, you know. And I'm printing out this letter that is just. [00:03:58] I'm doing this at my house. Okay. So when you get this letter, understand, like I physically printed. My printer's right here at this desk. I physically printed out this letter. I signed it. Like if you see the signature, like, that's me. I do not employ people to fake my signature or wear a stamp. No, that's literally me signing it. [00:04:18] And I add, you know, when I see somebody that I know or a name I recognize, I add like little notes. Like that's really me doing that. And so I'm sitting here and I'm like printing out this letter. That's detailing just horrific stuff. My printer does not want to cooperate. Like, I mean the letter's like four pages. It's a long, it's multiple pages. And you times that, you know, with people, like, it's a lot printing out a lot of stuff. And my printer does not want to cooperate. [00:04:46] And so I'm like literally sitting here, like one arm. I'm like, I have to like hand feet. Cause I was like not catching the paper. [00:04:55] I don't know if you're listening. You can't see. I just made a motion like you can see what I'm doing. But the paper wasn't catching to feed through. So it kept telling me or there was no paper in this printer. There absolutely was. And so I'm literally sitting here hand feeding every piece, hundreds of pieces of paper into this printer. While on the other hand, I'm like working. I'm trying to get through like my day to day stuff and putting together, you know, presentations and things like that. And so I'm like, literally hand feeding this. And I was like, what is my life? Like, what is my life? And I just knew, like, especially right now with it being Christmas and end of the year and everybody's getting all these letters. I'm like, they're gonna get this letter and they're gonna have no idea. Like, they're just gonna assume that we, like, hired a mail house and somebody signed no. Like, I literally sat here, hand fed these papers, threw the printer, printed them out, signed it, I made the labels, I picked up the envelopes, like, sat on my kitchen table putting these together because it's really important to me. And we were really thoughtful about, like, who can be trusted with this information in a way that, like, we can continue to share the gravity of what we're doing, but at the same time, we still have to be really careful. So if you're one of the lucky ones who made the list, look out for this blue envelope. And that's coming in the next week or so. It's a really, it's really important information. [00:06:27] It's a case that we really want to move forward on. And next week we will share, like I said, like, a toned, like a less detailed version of this on the podcast, but for the full story and what we're doing and how we're trying to hold this provider accountable and specific, be on the lookout for that letter. And if you want to get these types of updates from us, if you really want to know the inside information, please feel free to join our inner circle. And because, like, that group, like, we have to vet the people who come into it and make sure that we're not sharing information with people that are not trustworthy. So, you know, you can reach out about joining the inner circle so you can hear more. If this is interesting to you, you can hear more about our cases. But this might be one of our most important cases that we've ever done, and I want to make sure that we can see it through. So all that to say it's the end of the year. It's a little bit crazy. [00:07:25] We're all stressed out through the holidays, unfortunately. But I don't want you to miss next week a podcast with me and Christine Smith, our vice president of investigations. [00:07:37] But the more detailed case is coming to a select group of people in these blue envelopes. So keep an eye out for it. And once you get it, if you want to talk to me more, my information is in there. You can reach out to me and would love to discuss it. Further. So with that said, I hope you guys have a great weekend and you get some rest before the holidays, you know, craziness gets underway. And I look forward to hearing your thoughts and partnering with you in the new year. See ya.

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